Friday, June 8, 2007

Ten Tidbits of Tuscanià

1. It is located in the area of Tuscana (Tuscany), which is actually in the province of Laziò.
2. It is 150 years older than Roma, and was founded by the Etruscans.
3. It has a lot of tombs that are rather cave-like.
4. You can get excellent banana gelato at the Gelaterria to the left of the main gate in the old city wall. Mmmm!
5. There is a tiny school there at which you can take classes in cooking and wine. Think I might be back for that.
6. They have a basketball team for 14 and under. It has 8 players.
7. There is a Basilica on each end of town. San Pietro and Santa Maria. I think that a Basilica just means that the Bishop preaches there.
8. You can drink the water straight out of the fountains in the piazzas.
9. There are some streets that are narrow and end in stairs, so one must beep one's horn alot whilst backing down the street to the intersection. And don't open the car door, you'll hit a wall!
10. There are exactly 2 possible places in which one can get pizza (or actually any kind of food for that matter) between the hours of 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Neither is easy to find.

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