Most people are very good, and stop at the sign, take in the view, look at the paved road in front and the gravel road to the side, ponder some thoughts, and then turn back to wander back to where they started. At least, this is what I had to do, as becoming Lost is not something to do when jogging out by yourself, with miles and miles of cornfields surrounding you. As I retraced my steps, I had several things to think about.
One thing was the issue of fire hydrants. I haven't yet figured out is why cornfields need to have fire hydrants? I've now seen several of these in the area, and have not seen them ever before in my life anywhere I've been. Maybe they're a new innovation in farming that I just haven't kept up with?
Although I suppose, seeing as I am, or was, a city girl, innovations in farming aren't exactly my forte. Or even my area of any sort of remote expertise. Another new thing to file away to ask someone later. Hopefully someone with a farm.