Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A sign of spring!

Today we a great day to be outside, nice weather, nice temperature, and things are very green. Additionally, it is always interesting to see what the other creatures in our yard are doing with such nice weather. We have several families of birds located near us, which makes me a bit nervous, seeing as there are quite a few neighborhood cats around. I guess it will be survival of the fittest.

Today our entertainment was provided by a young robin just out of the nest. He couldn't fly yet, but hopped all over our yard. We were able to get some fairly close up pictures, as apparently his mother hasn't told him to stay away from strangers.

First, he hopped around the yard.

Checked out the compost heap.

Then, he investigated our fire pit.

And then finally decided to see what was in our garage.

He checked out the lawn mower, the bicycles, and the random pieces of plywood before leaving. This made me a bit nervous, as I didnt' want to accidentally shut him in with no food.

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