Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Ski, You Ski, We All Ski... Nordic Style!

I, probably more than the average City Girl, like to spend time in the out-of-doors. This includes things like hiking, backpacking, climbing, canoeing, camping, etc. I am also one known to try the impossible - i.e. hike up not One, not Two, but Three 14,000ft mountains in under 2 days - which I did with some friends of mine 2 summers ago. I finished 2.75 of them, and only turned around because the wind at the top of the 3rd was getting to be in excess of 50mph, which due to my size, makes me rather like a leaf - I go where it wishes me to go. And, as I did not wish to go tumbling down the mountain with the wind, we turned around.

I have about one of these "impossible" goals each year - I guess it keeps me motivated. The summer I decided to learn to rollerblade, I skated the Northshore Inline Marathon at the end of the summer. It is indeed an entire marathon, all 26.2 miles. A few summers ago, I gave myself the goal of being able to run a 5k, even though I really very strongly dislike running. The end result: 2 - 5k races in less than a week. With a minimal amount of training. This gave me very sore muscles.

Last year's unexpected goal was to Skate Ski the Kortelopet in mid-February. This is a ski race that is about 13mi long through a very nice woodsy area Up North. I had not Skate Skied before last November when I purchased said skis. I had only done Classic, or Diagonal Stride, skiing while growing up - this is the type you always see on the TV and in the movies with snow falling down - rather Christmas card-like. Skate Skiing is like ice skating or rollerblading, but with skis for skate blades - it is a challenge. I had also never been in a ski race before. I went out about 4 times prior to the race, and then drove up to the race course.

The end result: I did at least finish the race...3rd from last. Two people were slower than me out of the about 3,000 that started it. By the time I got to the end, they'd already taken down the finish line, and I got the very last bowl of chicken noodle soup in the entire recovery area. I guess, I should focus on the finishing aspect, the only 4hr 32min that it took me. On a positive note, I did get my very own school bus and driver to take me back to the carpark, at which I was easily able to find my car, as it was one of about 4 left in the lot.

This year, I think I will try again. I figure, I cannot really do a whole lot worse than last year. And this year I at least know what to expect. I am also trying to talk a friend of mine into skiing with me - that way I will at least have some company that skies at about my speed. She is working out in the City, and I am working out in the Small Town.

With all of the snow we have had recently, I've been able to go out skiing 2 times already. Once on a hilly course (very slow, lots of stopping for rests), and once on a fairly flat course (much more consistent movement). So far, so good - I've only fallen over once. And was able to get right-side up all by myself, with no assistance. I can manage to go about 2mi or so without stopping. I also need to figure out what set of clothing will maximize the warmth and minimize the overheating. Thus far I've overdressed for both of my outings.

So, the plan: 1. Keep working out at the gym to do cross-training. 2. Get out and ski more. 3. Keep working on the hilly trail to learn how to efficiently attack a hill going up (I'm much better at going down.) 4. Try to build up some sort of endurance - both physical and mental.

I've got a little over 2 months til race day. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Said friend is trying! She intends to use her forced vacation to do a lot of XC skiing. Lots! ...If her skies still work for her with her expanded mass...hrm Best to check that!

I bladed 13 miles the other day...I am Out. Of. Shape!