Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

As I got up this morning, I could see that it was still snowing. It has been snowing since early morning on December the 1st. It is still snowing. The weather people around here have been revising their estimates of total snowfall almost every hour. At first it was to be only 1-2"; now it is up to 4-6" with no end in sight.

It is quite pretty, the snow. And, it necessitated the inaugural use of the snowblower.

I received the snowblower last year about this same time. It magically was placed in my garage, at the house in The City, by the Elves of Winter, aka Mom. This is after we had already had a rather large snowfall that I had to shovel. The outcome of the delivery of the snowblower was that we pretty much had no snow for the rest of the winter. Not so in my Small Town - last year was a record-setting year for snow. The snowblower moved with me to the Small Town, and has patiently waited in the back of the garage all spring, summer, and fall. It is now being pressed into service, and if all goes well, will be used frequently this winter.

Based on the last few days, I think that this is going to be a reality, not a possibility.

Here's a short video of how pretty the snow is against the evergreen trees.

Click the "Play" button to see the snow falling...

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